Friday, October 5, 2012

“ Broncos Quarterback Joins roster Of Athletes With Diabetes.”

Tara Parker- Pope argues that type 1 diabetics can be athletes in professional sports such as the NFL, NBA, and many other professional sports. She claims that diabetics in today’s time have a great chance of being successful in the NFL. For with the types of technology the teams and USA have today, they can be active in sports even with this life threatening disease. It gives the players a greater chance. Parker-Pope investigates how Jay Cutler of the Denver Broncos. He was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes after just a few years in the league. He is still an active starting Quarterback in the NFL. Parker-Pope explains how Cutler uses a more advanced insulin pump for a more reliable and free going insulin flow on and off the field. He was afraid at first, Cutler says. Lastly, the author describes other athletes with the same problem, yet they fight it each and every day, and continue to do what they love. Life is normal for them and can be for you. Tare Parker-Pope’s purpose is to inform not only players and athletes, but also for the public to let them know to encourage the diabetics to continue on with their dreams and do not stop, no matter what. This work is significant because it touches the hearts of young and mid aged athletes. To show them that they can still be a success. Do not let this life changing disease, literally change your life for the worse. It will not stop you, keep going.

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